Monday, March 7, 2011

Ticolino Tea Sticks: An Appealing Third Way

Those of us who love tea will always find a way to have our daily cup. However, sometimes this can be more challenging than it needs to be. Many of us spend much of our day in places where making good quality loose tea is not an option--offices or schools, for example. For those of us that don't want to resign ourselves to the use of tea bags but can't convince the boss to let us keep a teapot on our desk, there's a third option: Serengeti Tea's Ticolino-branded Tea Sticks.

The Tea Stick's main strengths are its practicality and its convenience. The sticks are perforated from top to bottom with small holes to allow the tea to infuse. This contributes to a better cup of tea because the tea infuses evenly throughout the entire vessel, whether it's a mug, tumbler or proper tea cup. Tea bags, conversely, tend to disperse the infusion mainly to the bottom of the drinking vessel which contributes to an unbalanced cup that is stronger at the bottom. Another advantage of the sticks is their compact and portable nature. You can put them in a purse or backpack and not worry about them breaking during your travels; the material that contains the tea is quite durable and cannot be easily ripped. As well, given the shape of the tea stick, you can use it to stir in milk or sugar without having to find a stir stick to serve the same purpose.

The tea sticks come in a variety of flavors ranging in style from herbal to black to green. Among the flavors available are Earl Grey, High Tea Blend (roughly equivalent to English Breakfast), Jasmine Green, Chamomile, and Cardamom Black Tea (reminiscent of Chai). There are also a number of more exotic black tea flavors such as Mango and the delicious and unusual Pineapple, as well as a coffee stick called Jamaica Blue Mountain.

Serengeti Ticolino Tea Sticks can be purchased on the Serengeti Tea website, For those of us with busy lives who don't want to compromise on the quality of our tea, they are worth a look.

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